“Supporting you in your journey to health”


An ancient medical system based on Traditional Chinese Medicine in which fine, disposable needles are inserted at specific points in the body for therapeutic or preventative purposes. In Western society acupuncture is a commonly used complementary medicine used to treat a number of conditions. 

Chinese medicine uses an integrative approach to health care and looks at all aspects of lifestyle including diet, exercise, mental and emotional well-being to name a few. We treat the patients as a whole and not just the issue they’ve arrived with. The evidence base for acupuncture is increasing and here in the UK, NICE recommends acupuncture for specific health related issues.

Below are some of the conditions that acupuncture can help treat at Mowbray Acupuncture Clinic in Yarm.

Head issues

Musculo-skeletal issues

Women’s health 

Mental Health

Digestive issues 

